Dr. Reinhard German:
Simulation und Modeling I
Seite auf deutsch ]
Foundations of discrete-event
simulation: goals, kinds, and limits of simulation, modeling paradigms
(queueing systems, Petri nets, simulation languages), stochastic concepts,
simulation input and output analysis, event list processing, random variate
generation, simulation languages and tools, simulation of manufacturing
and material handling systems, simulation of computer and communication
All documents are written
in English, the lecture is in English. Exercise classes are offered both
in english and german language.
Time and Place
Lecture: |
Wednesdays, |
8 |
- |
10, |
H4 |
Exercise Classes (germ.): |
Thursdays, |
8 |
- |
10, |
2.038 (Rechenzentrum) |
Exercise Classes
(engl.): |
Fridays, |
10 |
- |
12, |
00.151 |
Supervised Computer
Hours: |
Thursdays, |
10 |
- |
12, |
01.155 (CIP-Pool
1st floor) |
Everey week either exercise classes
or supervised computer hours are offered. Only in the second week both exercises
and supervised computer hours are offered. During the supervised computer
hours you can work on the practical exercises (labs)
. A teaching assistant will be present. If no teaching assistant is
present, you can discuss your questions with Mr. Kai-Steffen Hielscher
(room 4.139) during the scheduled computer hours. After you have solved
all exercises, you can take an exam (Klausur) to obtain the certificate
(Schein). Topics of the lecture are practised in the exercise classes.
The dates at which exercise classes or supervised computer hours (marked
by X ) are scheduled can be seen in the following table.
Recommended Literature
Law, Kelton: Simulation,
Modeling and Analysis, 3. Auflage, McGraw-Hill, 2000
available in "Gruppenbibliothek
Informatik" (library
at the 2nd floor) , "Handapparat" Number 35
Slides of the Lecture (PDF)
Slides of the Exercise Classes
The slides from the Exercise
Classes can be obtained by clicking on the topics of the Exercise Classes in the timetable .
The exercises to work on
can be obtained by clicking on the Exercises
in the timetable . Students should
present their solution in the Supervised Computer Time marked by Ex.
Online Sources and
further Reading