Prof. Dr.-Ing. Reinhard German
Simulation and Modeling II
Project-oriented class: conducting simulation projects
Summer Term 2008
The class is project-oriented: participants conduct their own simulation projects in teams.
The lectures cover the topics simulation project management, presentation, and
documentation techniques.
The project teams also present their results in the lecture hours.
Additionally, a guest lecturer reports about his/her experience in applying
simulation in practice.
The excercises are used for team meetings.
Implementations, simulation runs, etc. are performed in the computer science PC lab
with commercial simulation packages (AnyLogic, ExpertFit) in reserved computer hours.
Possible projects are: simulation of the university cafeteria (Mensa), of a crossing with
traffic lights, supermarket lines or of a cluster-based Web server.
Your own project ideas are welcome.
Alternatively, an integrated simulation environment can be developed.
Both proofs of attendance ("unbenotete/benotete Scheine", 4 SWS) and credits (ECTS 8) can be obtained.
Depending on the examination regulations ("Prüfungsordnung") of the respective field of study
it is also possible to take an oral exam for which you have to register at the examination
office ("Prüfungsamt").
Proofs of attendance and credits can only be given for a combination of attending the lectures and
successfully conducting the chosen project (as assessed by the trainer of the course).
It is expected that all members of the teams attend the weekly team meetings during the exercise hours.
Additionally, individual interviews have to be passed.
For a credit, the project result and the individual interview are evenly weighted (50% each) to
determine the grade.
Oral exams also presuppose a successfully completed project and cover the planning and implementation
of the particular project.
The lectures are given in English, all written material is in English.
- Lecture
Wednesday, 10:15 - 11:45, 04.137
- Exercise
Wednesday, 12:15 - 13:45, Room 04.158
- Computer hours
Friday, 10:00 - 14:00, Room 01.153 (CIP-Pool first floor in Händler
Weekly team meetings will be held during the exercises.
During the (supervised) computer hours, students may work on their project
and are assisted by the trainer of the course. Of course, the computer lab
may also be used outside the (supervised) computer hours.
An outline of the project phases is given below.
- Law, Kelton:
Simulation, Modeling and Analysis, 3rd Edition, McGraw-Hill, 2000.
Available in "Gruppenbibliothek Informatik" (library on 2nd floor) in "Handapparat" No. 35
- Ambulance Station
The project is about simulating the rescue service system in the region of Nürnberg,
Fürth and Erlangen. As far as the real world scenario is concerned there is one emergency
dispatch center in Nürnberg performing emergency call service management. The
corresponding ambulance vehicles are hosted in rescue service stations all over the region.
Beside emergency services, as a provision for people with limited physical abilities the rescue
service system is responsible for transporting persons from their homes to a physician
and back respectively.
The major costs of a rescue service system arise from the amount of vehicles in expostulation,
in particular these costs are due to personnel costs of the employees and maintenance
costs of the vehicles. Accordingly the major goal of the project is to find the minimum
number of vehicles necessary to accomplish the arising tasks. A decisive measure in this
context is the so-called critical phase, which is the time period where all ambulance vehicles
(so-called RTWs) and all patient transport vehicles (so-called KTWs) are in action so
that another incoming emergency call cannot be handled until at least one of the vehicles
returns. In this regard the duration of the critical phases has to be minimized with the
smallest number of vehicles possible. Another aspect when determining the amount of
vehicles necessary is the average utilization. In this context two measures are examined.
The first one is the average number of vehicles in use. The second one is the percentage
of time a vehicle is in action compared to the time it is not used.
- Bus Line
In this project, the bus line No. 289 in Erlangen
from Büchenbach Nord to Waldkrankenhaus is considered.
A bus line can be treated as a discrete-event system. For
instance, the number of customers on the bus and the travel distances of customers are
random variables. Moreover, interarrival times of customers at the bus stop are discrete
The simulated time is the rush hour, i.e., from 7:00 am to 9:00 am. Although it is possible to
simulate the whole day’s operation of the bus line, one of the purposes of this project is
to optimize the configuration of the bus line to avoid crowding, but usually crowding
does not happen except for the rush hour.
The motivation of this project is to model the bus line and obtain the relevant
performance measures dependent on an input time schedule.
During the rush hour, there are plenty of customers who want to get on the bus.
On the one hand, if the time interval of two adjacent busses is too long,
considering limited capacity of the bus, crowding will happen.
On the other hand, if the time interval is too short, the number
of busses will increase, which will generally increase the cost of the bus company.
Therefore, an optimal scheme to configure the time schedule needs to be found.
- Drinks Terminal
Object of study is the so called Drinks Terminal (in German: Getränke Terminal),
an automated retail trade shop for beverages. No service personnel is employed, customers
cannot enter the business premises but place their orders at a terminal and are eventually
served by crane robots, which also labour as warehousemen.
The objective of this work is to build an abstract model of the drinks terminal which should
resemble as close as possible the behaviour of the real system. The model shall be used
to simulate how the functional entities of the terminal – the crane robots and conveyor
belts – work under certain conditions, like normal load (i.e. number of customers), heavy
load and in the case of errors.
We assess the system according to the following performance measures:
mean time customer spends in queue, mean time between finishing payment and
leaving the terminal (which includes the interaction of cranes and conveyor
belts to serve the customer), queue lengths averaged for both terminals,
utilization of the cranes, customer throughput per hour.
- Supermarket
Today's cash desks in supermarkets are a common bottleneck in our everyday task to collect food
in the urban domain. Being the one point where one has to interact
with service personnel directly, cash counters usually kick customers out of their shopping flow by
making them wait. A cashier waiting for new arrivals is most desirable for the just-finished-shopping
customer, whereas most undesirable for the management, for he is someone being paid for
doing nothing. So supermarkets (especially large ones) tend to save employment cost by reducing
the number of working cash desks to an optimised minimum, which turns out to be a trade-off with
customers’ patience. At every cash desk a queue is forming, growing and shrinking dependent on
new customers arriving and served customers leaving the place.
A supermarket in Erlangen has introduced a mechanism to cheer up waiting
customers. The management imposes upon itself a penalty fee for every customer waiting for more than
five minutes while not all cash desks are in service.
This simulation project investigates the system of waiting people at supermarket cash counters.
The correlation between waiting queue length and the number of cash desks in service is the central
aspect of this study. The simulation will produce measures to prove that the number of cash
counters (servers) affects the mean queue length and waiting time of customers in the queues. The
obligatory goal of this study is to inquire about how many cash counters are to be engaged in order
to keep the mean waiting time/mean queue length below certain thresholds given a certain amount
of traffic. The (simulation-based) computed correlation thus will answer the question, how the
supermarket can avoid the penalty fee expenses.
- Street Cafe
In a so-called sidewalk café located in the city of Erlangen, you are able to spend your time at two different parts of the
café – inside and outside of the building. We investigate the outside area of this café, where
the usual services like ordering beverages and food are offered. The management
employs some personnel for fulfilling the needs and wishes of the guests, consisting e.g. of waiters,
cooks, etc. These employees have to shuttle between the outer area and back-end inside of the
building, where the order processing takes place.
A study like this depends on the point of view, namely that of the guests or that of the management.
Acting as a customer, it is important for him to spend a relaxing time at the café, not encountering
problems with waiting for things like ordering, delivery or paying. On the other hand, the
management tries to reach the maximum economical output by satisfying the guests needs in a
proper way, combined with a reduction of the necessary resources and a high utilization of all
system components.
Within the scope of this project, there will be an investigation of the exterior part of a
restaurant/café in the peak time (11:30 am – 04:00 pm), taking place in the afternoon on sunny days.
In the current configuration, there are four employees at the bar used to handle the beverage orders
and three persons work in the background to prepare the food orders.
In the service area two people directly take care the customers and two other employees
are intended to deliver the orders and clean up the tables et cetera.
The quantity of the tables varies between 35 and 50 depending on external factors like
season and weather conditions. Currently you will find four chairs arranged around each table.
Using the simulation, we search for answers to the following questions:
Which are the advantages/disadvantages of the usage of a radio system for receiving an
order and transferring it to the bar for processing? Is it optimal to assign a fixed
service area to the service personnel or not?
How will changes in the number of tables, chairs per table, number of employees affect the system?
Does it make sense to employ specialized personnel (cashier, waiter, …)? etc.
The considered system performance measures include the total customer time in system,
time between arrival/order and delivery, café utilization, personnel utilization,
throughput of customers for the whole system, throughput of service tasks for the
service personnel, queue length of service tasks at the bar, etc.
- Intersection
People need to reach work places, shops, etc. Goods
flow in and out from industries or commerce. These, among
other factors, make the streets and roads full of vehicles, trucks or busses.
At the same time, the time convention for working hours congest the traffic system
at the rush hours. Facing this problem, the optimization of the
traffic networks is not just desirable but also necessary.
This project does a simulation study of three intersections in the south of the
city of Erlangen in the rush hour. The intersections modeled comprise 21 traffic
lights, 22 source and 15 sink lanes. The simulation optimization goal
was to minimize the total delay of cars in the intersection
area by choosing improved traffic light schemes. We also study what-if
questions by increasing the traffic load in the model (as may be expected for
the future) and checking, if predefined thresholds on time in system, queue
lengths, etc. can still be observed.