Prof. Dr.-Ing. Reinhard German
Simulation and Modeling I
A first course on discrete-event simulation
Winter Term 2010/2011
Overview of
the various kinds of simulation, including discrete simulation
(computational concepts, simulation of queuing systems, professional
simulation tools), required probability concepts and statistics,
modeling paradigms (e.g., event/process oriented, queuing systems,
Petri nets, UML statecharts), input modeling (selecting input
probability distributions), random number generation (linear
congruential generators and variants, generating random variates),
output analysis (warm-up period detection, independent replications,
result presentation), continuous and hybrid simulation (differential
equations, numerical solution, hybrid statecharts), simulation
software, case studies, parallel and distributed simulation.
Both proofs of attendance ("unbenotete/benotete Scheine", 4 SWS) and
credits (ECTS 7.5) can be obtained. Depending on the examination
regulations ("Prüfungsordnung") of the respective
field of study it is possible to take an oral exam for which you have
to register at the examination office ("Prüfungsamt").
Proofs of attendance and credits can only be given for a
combination of attending the lectures and successfully participating
in the exercise courses. Successful participation presupposes that
all assignments have been completed successfully (as assessed by the
trainer of the course). Additionally, a written (for a large number
of participants) or oral (for a small number of participants) test at
the end of the lecture session has to be passed. For a proof of
attendance, at least 50 % of all possible points must be obtained;
for a credit, the grade is determined by the number of points
obtained (always according to the same linear scale). The same
applies to oral tests accordingly.
The lectures and exercises are given in English, all written material is in English. Individual
discussions in German are of course possible.
- Lecture
Tuesday, 12:15 - 13:45, H5 (Cauerstr. 7-9)
- Exercise class
Monday, 12:15 - 13:45, Room 04.158 or
Thursday, 10:15 - 11:45, Room 04.158
- (Supervised) Computer hours
Wednesday, 16:00 - 18:00, Room 04.158
The exercise will be held on Thursday mornings (and additionally on Monday).
On selected Thursdays (Mondays), these exercise hours will serve as programming hours,
where an advisor will be present in order to assist in the current assignments
(supervised computer hours).
During the
supervised computer hours on Wednesday afternoon, students
are expected to work on their assignments with their teams. Lab
04.158 is exclusively reserved for this class in the hours given
above. When questions arise, the teaching assistant may be asked
directly or be contacted in his office, via phone or via Email.
Beyond the
exercises and computer hours, appointments for individual discussions
may be arranged with the teaching assistant at any other time (also
via Email). Otherwise, please limit your unappointed seek for
individual assistance to the exercise or computer hours.
- Averill Law:
Simulation, Modeling and Analysis, 4th Edition, McGraw-Hill, 2007.
3rd Edition available in "Gruppenbibliothek Informatik" (library on 2nd floor) in "Handapparat" No. 35.
- J. Banks, J. Carson, B. Nelson, D. Nicol:
Discrete-Event System Simulation , 4th Edition, Prentice Hall, 2005.
3rd edition available at the library of the Technical Faculty.
- J. Banks:
Getting started with AutoMod , 2nd Edition, Autosimulations Inc., 2000.
Download pdf-file.
- AnyLogic : modeling and simulation tool. Follow this password-protected link
to download AnyLogic (student license).
- AutoMod : simulation environment for manufacturing. Getting started with AutoMod
is more than an introduction to the AutoMod simulation software. Simulation principles, modeling and statistical analysis are also discussed.
- ExpertFit : distribution-fitting software